Uefitool add nvme dxe driver
Uefitool add nvme dxe driver

I tested a Samsung 950 Pro M.2 512GB from my main computer just to test the nvme support and it booted directly without any issues so the instructions and procedure are still good. It seems to be working but with some issues: There is no FIT There are way less modules (for example just 38 DXE drivers, see report below) then usual. I'm using BIOS 213 and the non-small nvme 4 module file. I'm trying to parse NUC11 (tiger lake) firmware. I know this is 1.5 month old but I just wanted to let everyone know that I installed the nvme 4 module linked by Kinomoto and followed the exact same instructions as from the first post and everything worked perfectly fine. Asus does not recomend or support any BIOS modifaction and will not support you with this at all. I would PM the original aurthor of this thread for advice. It provides a step by step breakdown, using VMWare, of how you can generate an UEFI firmware module from an EFI driver executable (through FFS, which is a convenient repackaging of the EDK2's GenSec and GenFfs ), and insert it into an existing UEFI firmware to make the driver natively available: A VMWare UEFI firmware with a native NTFS driver. You know that anytime you fool with your BIOS you could brick your notebook.

uefitool add nvme dxe driver

So can I use the guide initialy discribed in this thread without problems for v213 bios (G751JY I7 4860HQ that came with the original ACHI Samsung MZHPU512HCGL 0004 XP941 512GB M.2 oem ssd) or which specific procedure i should follow/do for v213 bios? and that it will brick my unit if I use my modified file based on the initial guide here in this thread. I am able to get to this point where the nvme driver is added, but then I started reading things ( ) about this bios about pading files (in my case there is clearly an aditional padding file) and that the bios needs to be unlocked.

uefitool add nvme dxe driver

I followed the intial guide of this thread by chris_tronic with the tools mentioned by Kinomoto in message of 03-29-2020, 08:15 PM. download quo bios, extract coredxe with mmtool.


Hi all, nice that threads as this one exist to extend the possibilities of our somewhat older notebooks! A 32-bit UEFI firmware core must be used to install a 32-bit OS and likewise.

Uefitool add nvme dxe driver